vintage arzberg porcelain tea pot


The perfect timeless teapot. The term “designer” really didn't yet exist in the 50s. But there was talk of the work being created by talented craftsmen with a particular feel for aesthetic styling. Many were striving to achieve good form. Herman Gretsch succeeds. At the same time, the Museum of Modern Art in New York takes note of the design work coming out of the house of Arzberg, and includes the Form 1382, created by Gretsch, into its permanent exhibition. The year is 1954.

other awards: 1936 / form 1382 / gold medal / VIth triennale - milan + 1937 / form 1382 / gold medal / world exhibition - paris


crafted in: germany

material: white porcelain / form 1382

dimensions: approx 5" / 4 cups

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