PepperliciousS Carolina Reaper drops


Worlds hottest CAROLINA REAPER INFUSED | 100% extra virgin olive oil | 1/2 oz


The CAROLINA REAPER was originally named the “HP22B”. In 2013, GUINNESS dubbed it the HOTTEST CHILE in the WORLD with peak levels of over 2.2 MILLION SCOVILLE HEAT UNITS (SHU). But, really the name “The CAROLINA REAPER“ says all you need to know. They are CRAZY HOT. If you love hot spicy food, then this pepper is definitely a great choice to make that happen. Use this CHILI PEPPER OIL sparingly, to add flavor and heat to all your foods.

The peppers that are used are Naturally grown resulting in ULTIMATE QUALITY AND SATISFACTION.

29.90 mi away The Little Shop of Olive Oils
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