Guides, Guardians and Angels by D.J. Conway


Guides, Guardians and Angels by  D.J. Conway

Who Can You Really Call on When You Need Help?

Most of us recognize that we sometimes find ourselves in times of need. We need help with spiritual and emotional issues, relationships, money, jobs, health, security, safety, and so much more. In these situations, to whom do you turn? To whom can you turn?

Guides, Guardians and Angels, by D. J. Conway, is specifically designed for you to use, no matter your spiritual system. Special attention is drawn to Goddess-oriented paths, Pagan traditions, and New Age systems. It also ventures into areas that have never before been covered in a book like this, including a complete examination of the pre-biblical "Shadow Angels" that were excluded from Christian books and finally revealed in the recent translations of ancient texts by Professor Elaine Pagels.

Guides, Guardians and Angels is filled with techniques you can use to understand and enhance your personal relationship with the many guides, guardians, and angels that exist around you. This book features numerous chants, rituals, spells, meditations, and guided visualizations, plus more techniques to help reveal these unseen and powerful spiritual companions. Need additional help? Conway also
includes associations for these spiritual aides, including the colors, objects, stones, and days of the week that have special significance for each of them.

Find out how to:

• Use an easy meditation to meet your spirit guide (page 23)
• Conquer the fears that prevent you from reaching your goals (page 39)
• Use a simple ritual to end bad habits forever (page 60)
• Work with the angel of justice if you need help before a court date (page 87)
• Use meditation to meet five major archangels (page 106)
• Discover the Shadow Angel who can help break enchantments (page 127)

D. J. Conway is a popular (voted Best Wiccan and New Age author in 1998 by Silver Chalicemagazine) and prolific author who has written over three dozen books. Learn how to work practically and effectively with spirit entities from a respected expert.

A New View of the Universe

Guides, Guardians and Angels help you work with spirit guides, guardians, light and dark angels, saints, and other spiritual entities who are there waiting to help you. You'll also learn about chakras (did you know there are hundreds of them?), the auras (you have five, not just one), and how to cast a magical circle. Plus, included for the first time anywhere is a unique map of the "Otherworld," which includes the land of Faery, the Dragon World, the area of Akasha, and the path to the Void. Using this map and the straightforward information in the book, you can learn how
to meet these spiritual beings in their own worlds!

If you have been wondering about these spirit helpers, this is the book that has the answers and the techniques you need. If you have been seeking help for the problems and crises in your life, but felt you had no one to whom to turn, Guides, Guardians and Angels is the book that can provide you with spiritual guidance you can use at any time, anywhere. Ideal for beginners as well as advanced practitioners, this book is also a must-read for all of Conway's fans.

 English  |  192 pages | 6 x 9 x 1 IN

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