Green Hope Farm Flower Essence - Precious Blood


This combination contains our Red Flower Essences and our Flower Essences associated with blood or bloodlines. Made at the request of the Angels, Precious Blood serves us without explaining its mysteries.

Ingredients: Agrippina Rose, Amaryllis, Asclepias, Bloodroot, Bottlebrush, Burdock, Calliandra, Cardinal Flower, Clivia, Cochineal Cactus, Coralita, Dracaena, Epimedium, Globe Mallow, Hawthorn, Ixora, La Belle Sultane Rose, Maltese Cross, Maple, The Mary Rose, Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Ocotillo, Orange, Orange Hawkweed, Pomegranate, Raspberry, Red Clover, Red Hibiscus, Red Rugosa Rose, Royal Ponciana, Scarlet Runner Bean, Sceptre of Power Flower, White Baneberry. Wild Fuschia

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